Sunday, November 15, 2009

Check out CityCircles

Phoenix Magazine managing editor Adam Klawonn and business partner Aleksandra Chojnacka have started up a phenomenally cool project called CityCircles.

Check it out:

He recently told me the Zonie Report is kind of on the back burner while they rev up this baby. From thousands of applicants for a Knight News Challenge grant, only nine received them, and Klawonn and Chojnacka nabbed $95,000 -- way to go!

The Knight News Challenge site reports they will use print, web and mobile technology to cater to people using the Phoenix Light Rail. mentions you could also be on bike or foot to get benefits from their service, too. They'll tell you about everything from news, discounts and promotions around the Light Rail to events going on in the area. See the "About" page on the site for more details.

Best of all, Klawonn said he plans to use paid (!) journalists to gather some of the info. Please do not flood the poor man right now with eager and/or desperate pleas for freelance work. I am sure he will get the word out when the time is right.

In the meantime, please visit and use, and tell your friends, family and even people you don't really like so much. Let's help make this a success.


Unknown said...

That is absolutely amazing news! For $95K, I bet the two of them can handle this on their own--unless there's that thing called a job they still have. Otherwise, I'd quit and do this on my own. What a coup! If I knew the pair, I'd congratulate them in person. Sounds like they must have done a bang-up job on the proposal. Wonderful news. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the funds. It'll be a blog I follow for sure.

Teresa Bitler said...

Thanks for passing the information along, Geri! I wasn't aware of Looks very cool and very exciting!

Debra Krol said...

Never quit your day job until you have at least a year's worth of assignments--and then there's the issue of health insurance. Not to mention disability coverage, vacation, setting aside $ for taxes, etc. $95K isn't nearly enough for two people to exist on. [yep, I've already been talking with Adam...but I still have a day job and won't even think about relinquishing until and unless those other issues are resolved in my life.]

We DO have to be practical, folks!!!