Thursday, June 10, 2010

Freelancers needed

Paula Hubbs Cohen is looking for a couple of freelancers. Here is the info:

I’m looking for a few more good writers for a project I’m managing for a major real estate company. The gig is writing articles (300-400 words each) about specific cities and towns across the state, with sub-topics underneath each one, i.e., restaurants, theaters, houses of worship, etc.

The payment is $25 for each article, and yes I know that’s not a lot, but that’s as high as they will go, and no, I don’t get anything off the top…

It’s pretty easy work once you get into a rhythm and there’s what looks like steady work for a few good writers… I’ve already got a small team assembled and we’re doing great, but the project would move much faster w/two or three more writers…

If anyone is interested in more info, please have them contact me at .

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