Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Covering immigration; going to Uganda

Yes, I know those sound like two wildly different concepts. But they're linked by one special person.

Our friend and photographer extraordinaire Rick D'Elia is looking for ideas for pictures concerning immigration issues. His plea is below; I hope someone out there can help him out.

Also, Rick is organizing innovative, fascinating "documentary and wildlife" photography trips to Uganda. Rick spent a year there and has some amazing stories and pictures. He's willing to share his expertise and insider knowledge with a select group of folks, and it sounds like it is going to be a real learning experience. Anyone remotely interested in a photography career should check it out. Web site and contact info is below.

Here's the criteria for his immigration coverage:

Also I am searching for some sidebar/deeper stories to photograph relating to immigration whether its immigrants who are community leaders, how immigrants legal and illegal are affected by the current climate, immigrant successes, how people deal with overcoming general challenges of being a modern-day immigrant, and other things that are not occurring to me right now. I am trying to put together a package of images for my picture agency tthat might have legs as the debate continues.

Rick D'Elia
D'Elia Photographic
The Uganda Workshop:
Website at:

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