Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Want to write a book?

Interested in a book deal? Joan sent along this RFP to write the life story of Burton Barr. It looks to me like the author might have to do some fundraising to pay his or her salary, and of course, you'd be expected to help promote it.

I've never done an RFP, so don't ask me for advice.

Has anyone else responded to an RFP for a book project? Would you be willing to share advice? Please respond via the comments field.

Request for Proposal
To Write the Burton Barr Book

Master of the House – The Remarkable Story of Burton Barr

World War II hero Burton Barr applied the same tactics employed in his successful war experiences to become the master of the Arizona House of Representatives. He served as the house majority leader from 1965 to 1986, and almost every legislative enactment during his 21year term carried his imprint. Among his many accomplishments was his influence in the modernization of state government.

The book envisioned by Jack Pfister and Brent Brown intended to review Representative Barr’s childhood history, his military and business careers, and his legislative accomplishments. In 1986 President Ronald Reagan urged Mr. Barr to run for governor of Arizona. Although he had resisted earlier pressures to run for higher office, Barr, still the consummate soldier, responded to his commander-in-chief. He was opposed in the primary by car dealer Evan Mecham, and in a bruising election, Mecham defeated him. Mecham went on to win a three-way general election race against Carolyn Warner and Bill Schultz.

The book also intended to review the primary election and Mr. Barr’s post-legislative activities. Burton Barr was the most influential member of the modern Arizona legislature and left an enduring mark on Arizona’s history.

Items that have been completed for the book include:
1. Book Chapter outline – Appendix A
2. Eight volumes of notes, oral histories, and detailed research – Appendix B outlines the contents of the notebooks
3. Numerous photos of Barr at different stages of his life
4. Oral histories (transcribed) from the following individuals:

Babbitt, Bruce DeBolski, Jack McCain, Senator John
Barr, Burton Fannin, Bob Pastor, Ed
Barr, Louise Goddard, Terry Shelp, Lawrence
Barr, Michael Gutierrez, Alfredo Skelly, Jim
Barr, Suzanne Hamilton, Art (2) Sossaman, James
Basha, Eddie Herstam, Chris Stevens, Charlie
Boyd, Mike Heller, Vic Strasser, Stephanie Barr
Brown, Jack Hull, Gov. Jane Dee West, Tony
Burns, Peter Isaacson, Don Pastor, Ed
Bush, Jim Kaplan, Richard
Clark, Lloyd Kolbe, John
Collins, Rick Kyl, Senator Jon
Cornell, Nikki Lane, Joe
Daley, Mike

Brent Brown passed away a few years ago, and Jack Pfister passed away suddenly in July 2009, and was unable to complete his dream of writing this important contribution to Arizona’s political history. Jack’s family and friends are interested in seeing this book completed. This RFP seeks to solicit proposals from interested authors who wish to finish the book using Jack’s research and generally follow his outline for the publication. All the papers and documents have been willed to the Arizona State University Library, but will be made available to the selected author exclusively in the Luhrs Reading Room in the Hayden Library until the project is completed.
A selection committee will review the RFPs and intends to help support the author with some fund raising and coordination as necessary.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please provide the following:

1. Resume of experience and any specific qualifications you have in writing books, monographs, and/or lengthy articles. Any experience related to writing biographies should be highlighted and full citations should be provided of work done.
2. Please answer the questions/statements:
a. What interests you about completing this project?
b. Why do you believe you would be qualified to write the book?
c. Describe any personal experiences you had with either Jack Pfister or Burton Barr.
d. What is your understanding of and connection to Arizona history, culture and politics?
3. Provide a brief budget to outline the costs you expect to incur and the fees you propose to charge.
4. Provide a timeframe indicating when you might be able to complete the project.

The Pfister family will provide some assistance to get the book published, and can assist with promotion as necessary. The family wants to reserve the foreword to describe Jack’s vision for the effort and passion behind it. In exchange, Jack Pfister’s contribution to the original research and publication outline must be acknowledged in the final publication. The family would like to stay as close to Jack’s outline of the book as possible, but understands that once the author has gone over the information and has begun writing that some modifications may be necessary to enhance the quality of the final product. A formal letter of agreement will be negotiated with the approved author, so expectations by all parties are clear.

Your responses should not exceed 8 double-spaced pages. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2010.

Responses should be sent to:
C/O Martin L Shultz
PO Box 53999
Phoenix, Arizona 85072 - 3999
Mail Station 9020
If you would like to review the source materials prior to submitting your proposal, the materials will be available for viewing at the Flinn Foundation Library, 1802 N. Central Ave. in Phoenix. You can arrange a time to view the material by calling (602) 744-6800.

We look forward to your response.

1. Introduction
2. Barr’s entry into politics and confrontation with Senator Harold Giss
a. Giss – Barr confrontation
b. Barr’s election
c. First term
d. Rise to power
3. Early childhood and education – 1917 – 1940
a. Barr’s parents
b. Elementary school
c. High school
d. College
e. Interruption to earn money
f. Competition of College
ii. Jewish fraternity
4. Military – 1940 – 1946
a. Early assignments
b. North Africa campaign
c. European campaign
i. Italy
ii. Germany
d. Military honors
e. Wounds
f. Discharge
5. Early business – 1946 – 1951
6. Businesses
a. Parmenter – 1951 – 1969
b. Maverick – 1969-1985
7. Family
a. First marriage
b. Divorce
c. Second marriage
d. Children
e. Barr as a family man
8. Political
a. Rise to power
b. Reapportionment
c. Barr’s relationship with Arizona Governors
d. Role as House majority leader (could be a separate chapter)
e. Barr’s involvement in major policy issues
i. Health care
ii. Transportation
iii. Air quality
iv. Water quality
v. Water quantity
vi. Floods
vii. Tax policy
viii. Higher education
ix. Other
f. Why Barr was so effective
i. The importance of the era in Arizona history
9. Campaign for Governor in 1986
10. Post political activities
11. Conclusion
a. How Barr changed Arizona politics
b. His death
Volume I
• Research Outline
• Oral History Matrix
• Obituary
• Early Childhood
• Parents
• Home Photos
• Portland
Volume II
• Oral Histories
Volume III
• Oral Histories
• Business
• 1955 – 1970 Clips
• 1980s Clips
Volume IV
• 1986 Gubernatorial Election
o Pre-Mecham period
Volume V
• 1986 Gubernatorial Election
• Post Mecham Period
• Mecham Campaign Literature
• Beth Isaak Paper • Horizon Transcripts
• Sunday magazine pieces
o 1/3/82
o 1/12/86
• National Election Reports
• Dolphin Group

Volume VI
• Legislative Accomplishments
• 1987 Clips
• 1988 Clips
• 1989 Clips
Volume VII
o Misc. Resources
Volume VIII
• Military Record
• 3rd Infantry History
• Military Structure
• Reapportionment
• Correspondence
• Research Notes


Debra Krol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This sounds like a nightmare. Unless I had absolutely nothing else to do, no expectations of getting paid, or was willing to deal with a family that has a pre-set agenda, I cannot imagine getting involved with this.

Debra Krol said...

I second Judy's comment. I had originally stated that I wouldn't bid on it until the organizers had the money already raised to pay me...but decided not to post it. But now the Truth Can Be Told: I would love to get my first book under my belt but this one sounds like more a labor of love than a labor that will pay my bills. But it's still an intriguing project, if I were independently wealthy I'd sure bid on it just for the experience.