Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy holidays?

Sorry to say, the 60 Percenters Freelance Holiday Toast was not to be.

I heard from several people who said they couldn't make it due to deadlines or other obligations, and no one said they could come, so I called it off.

But I forgot to note that on this blog, so Rene Gutel, bless her heart, who was somehow left off my "freelancers" mail list, schlepped to My Wine Cellar in vain looking for us.

Sorry, Rene. I didn't have much holiday cheer this year, either. With so many of my friends and colleagues losing jobs or closing businesses, my investments dwindling daily, and the state of the news business in general being in the crapper, I was feeling low.

But here's the good news: So many writers out there were so busy with work -- work! -- that they couldn't peel themselves away. How many people out there today would gladly trade places with a person who has work?

I also remembered: My father-in-law narrowly dodged a bullet recently with an emergency triple bypass. We could have lost him.

And I recently attended a festive holiday party that collects gifts for worthy charities, even though the hostess battled cancer all year. She forged on, generously serving eggnog, wine and catered food, and waving off my questions with, "I'm all better now."

Finally, Eric and I, thank God, have been healthy all year. We enjoyed some beautiful hikes in Arizona and California all summer and a fantastic trip to Peru to hike in the Andes in September.

I re-evaluated.

I am able to hike with my husband. When you have your health and you have love in your life, you cannot get any richer than that. Having work is nice, too, and I'm grateful for that. But you can earn as much money as you want and it's worth nothing if you don't have your health.

These are indeed happy holidays.

1 comment:

Ann Videan said...

Thank you for this post, Geri. There is always something to be grateful for, isn't there? Sometimes we just have to pay attention to what's really going on around us.

I am so very grateful for my family, the ability to do the work I love (even if there seems to be less of it right now, and the abundance in our country compared to the rest of the world.

Let's look for ways to keep Love, Good and Gratefulness happening in our own circles. If we all do this, we can change the world!

Peace to all,
Ann Videan
Videan Unlimited, LLC, marketing connections