Friday, October 31, 2008

PR Star of the Week: Andrea Kalmanovitz

I'm announcing a new feature on the 60 Percenters blog: PR Star of the Week. Each week, I'll sing the praises of one local PR person for doing something terrific.

As all reporters know, PR people are often maligned on a spectrum ranging from "mild annoyance" to "nefarious ne'er-do-well."

But freelancers tend to have more respect for them and usually develop amicable relationships with them. We depend on their press releases for stirring ideas and keeping us up-to-date on new businesses, events and projects. We count on their organizational prowess for scheduling client interviews and helping us track down additional sources.

This week's PR Star is Andrea Kalmanovitz, director of communications for Avenue Communities. Many of you might know her as your contact for Centerpoint in downtown Tempe. She has been invaluable to me in setting up a walk-through, lining up interviews and dispensing timely, useful and often technical information on a complex topic.

I cannot thank Andrea enough for her expertise and professionalism.

Do you have a candidate for PR Star of the Week?

I don't think I will run out of candidates even if I never get any outside nominations, but I'd love it if you'd e-mail me with suggestions each Friday morning. Please, let's just keep it open to nominations by freelancers, not from other PR folks.



Chandra Graham said...

I second Andrea's nomination: although I have never met her face-to-face, she arranged a series of interviews and on-site meetings for me with less than 24 hours notice. She was gracious, accomodating and more than understanding. Thanks, Andrea!

Andrea Kalmanovitz said...

Like most everyone in the media world, I often get caught up in the daily grind where it seems there is not a moment to blink and the pace is always go, go, go…and you truly stopped me in my tracks. What an unexpected and amazing compliment – thank you.

Freelancers have frenzied lives that require a diverse breadth of knowledge and strong relationships with every side of the industry - editors, reporters, community and business leaders, PR professionals, you name it…so I say, in fact, you are the star! :)

Ann Videan said...

What a great idea to give kudos to PR stars. Way to go, Geri!