Monday, October 20, 2008

Attention all freelancers!

Attention Arizona freelance writers,

It's high time we had a blog by writers, for writers. Let's write about writing!

Do you need ethics advice? Are you trying to track down local sources? Has an editor stolen an idea from you? Did an editor ask for unreasonable revisions? Do you wonder how much you should be getting paid? Do you need a place to vent frustrations?

You are among friends.

Please consider this a "virtual coffeehouse" for airing any freelance-related topic. We also gather in real life at 9 a.m. the last Tuesday of the month at a Tempe coffeeshop. The date and venue can vary; e-mail me if you want to be added to the e-mail list for updates.


Angela Mussi said...

Great idea for a blog, Geri. I'm more of a 50% freelancer (my kids keep me v. busy), but I hope to keep my business going in these tough times. I'll be following along -

Chef Gwen said...

Why Geri, you look more gray than the last time I saw you :)

Seriously though, great idea to start a blog for writers. Now I have one more excuse to procrastinate!