Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The 60 Percent Poem

I created a vision statement, but it was blurry.

I was a team player, but the game was always changing.

I tried to think outside of the box, but I worked in a cube.

I thought I was on the same page, but my page was in a different book.

I’ve been downsized, outsourced, restructured, re-engineered and leveraged. I’ve done brain dumps and done more with less. I’ve gone the extra mile and stretched the envelope. I’ve cast my net, covered all my bases, run it up the flagpole and gotten my ducks in a row.

I talk the talk and walk the walk. I’ve added value, cut time to market and sung from the same hymn book.

I think it’s time for a paradigm shift. Maybe I should wipe the slate clean.

The ball is in my court now. It’s time to refocus my goals, broaden my horizons and get back on track.

Let’s touch base and look at this holistically. After all, this is my baby.

Going forward, I’m not giving 110 percent. You can have 60. Do I have your buy-in?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Potential Arizona Republic opening

SCOOP: The Arizona Republic will soon post for a Phoenix City Hall reporter.

The position requires an experienced reporter who has demonstrated strong government accountability work covering municipal government in a mid- to large-sized city. This reporter is expected to function as a watchdog, who not only knows how to hold elected leaders accountable, but can explain to readers what the actions taking place at city hall mean to them. An ability to identify and execute enterprise stories that take our readers beyond the day-to-day processes of city government is essential, as is an understanding of how to use public records and cultivate sources apart from the “usual suspects’’ to develop a beat that reflects the diverse mix of people, neighborhoods and issues that encompass the nation’s fifth largest city. The Phoenix City Hall reporter is member of the Phoenix reporting team writing stories for The Arizona Republic, and Phoenix community sections. Other required skills include: effective communication and collaboration with editors and fellow reporters who are not physically in the same location; ability to quickly turn stories for online posting; and consistent, frequent and relevant information posted on the Phoenix online blog.

Scottsdale/Phoenix Community Editor Chris Coppola will take internal applications until end of day, Monday, April 26 for the Phoenix City Hall opening. They also will be posting the job for external candidates.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

SPJ Freedom of Information Awards

Contact: Teri Carnicelli
President, Valley of the Sun SPJ


Phoenix, AZ—The Valley of the Sun Chapter, Society of Professional Journalist (SPJ) pays tribute to working journalists and others at its annual Arizona Freedom of Information Awards Reception, set for 1 p.m. Saturday, April 17. The event takes place in the Steele Auditorium of the Heard Museum, 2301 N. Central Ave. Those being honored this year include (*detailed award descriptions on accompanying page):

First Amendment Award—Dennis Wagner, Arizona Republic, and Mark Flatten, Goldwater Institute.

Sunshine Award—Sarah Fenske, Phoenix New Times; students Vaughn Hillyard and Sophia Curran, educator Sheri Siwek, and David Bodney and Aaron Lockwood of Steptoe & Johnson LLP.

The Lloyd Clark “How It Made Print” Award—Russell Wiles, Arizona Republic.

The Phil Alvidrez Award for Excellence in Journalism—Kent Dana, formerly of Channel 12 (KPNX) and
Channel 5 (KPHO).
The Order of the Silver Key Society—Betty Beard, Arizona Republic; Dennis Lambert, KJZZ/KFYI; and Dave Munsey, Channel 10 (KSAZ).

The theme of this year’s event is “Media Wars: A New Hope,” with a humorous nod to that groundbreaking science fiction/action/adventure series spawned by George Lucas. Our keynote speaker is Vanessa Fox, Entrepreneur and Creator, Google’s Webmaster Central.

Tickets are $40 for SPJ members, $45 for non-members, and $35 for students. Please mail checks to the P.O. Box address listed below by no later than Tuesday, April 13. Tickets include a mixer with cash bar, the reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres, and a memorable time honoring outstanding examples of the use of the First Amendment in shining a light on important public issues. More information is available on the chapter’s Web site,
And as always, may the source be with you.…..

Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, SPJ promotes the free flow of information vital to a well-informed citizenry; works to inspire and educate the next generation of journalists; and protects First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press. Our Valley of the Sun chapter has been doing the same since 1958. For more information about SPJ in Phoenix, please visit For more information about SPJ across the nation, please visit

FOI when you're SOL

Doing FOI When You’re SOL*:
Strategies for Getting Public Records to Improve
Your Reporting, ASU Cronkite School, April 27

*SOL: “Straight Out of Luck.”

Event is part of “Access Across America” tour with SPJ FOI chair,
UA journalism professor David Cuillier

* * *

Just about anyone who has heard Dave Cuillier talk about the press and the public’s right of access to government via public records and open meetings quickly is led to believe he wrote the book on the subject. Well, he has. More on that in a moment.

Cuillier, a University of Arizona journalism professor and SPJ’s national Freedom of Information Committee chair, is embarking on a nationwide tour, called “Access Across America.” One of his first stops will be here in Phoenix, sponsored by the Valley of the Sun chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Cuillier will speak on “Doing FOI When You’re SOL*: Strategies for Getting Public Records to Improve Your Reporting,” 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 27, in Room 256, the classroom, on the second floor Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, 555 N. Central Ave. (at Fillmore, two blocks north of Van Buren Street), Phoenix. Refreshments will be served. Visitor parking for a fee is available in an ASU lot and a private lot just north of the Cronkite building.

Cuillier said his presentation is designed to help journalists who are stretched thin with daily stories, Web postings and extra responsibilities as well as feel as if they can’t do the kind of depth reporting they want.

Here is what he’ll cover:
· Great ideas for document-based stories you can do in your community
· Strategies for effective records requests and overcoming denials
· Psychological skills for getting officials to give you what you need
· Tips for making records part of your daily routine
· Rousing inspiration for doing great journalism in tough times

Each participant will receive a binder filled with handouts.

And, oh, yes, the book: Cuillier and Charles Davis of the University of Missouri, Columbia, have written "The Art of Access: Strategies for Acquiring Public Records."

Cuillier is chairman of the SPJ Freedom of Information Committee and has been a FOI newsroom trainer for SPJ for five years. He is a former reporter and editor who teaches courses on access, and conducts research on access strategies

The tour is funded by the Sigma Delta Chi Foundation, a non-profit organization that aids SPJ and journalism initiatives, with assistance by the University of Arizona School of Journalism. -30-

* * * *
Mark J. Scarp
Immediate Past President, Valley of the Sun chapter,
Society of Professional Journalists
(602) 810-8964

Monday, April 5, 2010

Job opening in Montana

Thank you to Alan for this one.

The Outdoor Writers Association of America, headquartered in Missoula, Mont., is seeking an executive director to manage and direct the day-to-day affairs of a professional organization of approximately 1,200 outdoor communicators. The opening is the result of the recently announced resignation of Executive Director Kevin Rhoades. For a complete list of responsibilities, a full job description and information about how to apply, visit: