It's on Elliott Road between Hardy and Priest. RSVPs are a MUST, as I need to make a reservation.
All are welcome, so if you're not a 60 Percenter now but would like to see what we're about, please e-mail me at to reserve a spot.
A few items of potential discussion:
Where's the work? The Arizona Republic, a mainstay for many of us, has seriously cut back. I've started doing some marketing work and LOVE it. I hope my client loves me back and will spread the word!
Who's working full time? Some of us have landed full-time gigs doing various things. Kudos to Candy Lesher, for one. (Shameless plug coming...)
She's directing the new Cooking Studio AZ at SunWest Appliance Distributing in Tempe, on Kyrene just south of Elliott. Go to for a list of upcoming classes. They have a special from May through August too: Buy four classes, get the fifth free, or buy one, get one half-off. Sign up with a friend!
Who's getting paid late? Word on the street is that Republic payments have been running a little late and some editors are not processing them at all, requiring several rounds of e-mails and bugging. The good news: They do eventually pay, unlike some publications out there.
As usual, I expect our usual round of gossip and innuendo as well.
And off topic but thought I'd mention it since many of us have aging cars and probably won't be getting new ones anytime soon: If you have small dings, dents and scratches on your vehicle that bug you, I highly recommend calling Mark Gilbertson at Dent Masseur: He lives around the corner from me in Ahwatukee and I saw his truck the other day and flagged him down. I took it over there this morning and he buffed, bumped and even did some touch-up painting for $30. Yes, $30, one zero at the end there, folks. It looks fantastic.
Sorry to get all HARO on you there with the plugs, but in these times, I think it's nice to share info on great deals and great service.
Hope to see you on April 1!